Entries by site_admin

When do two lawyers become a law firm?

—–Original Message—– From: ********@********.com Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 10:07 AM To:[email protected] We are in the process of putting together a small firm, so do I state I’m a solo until that office is totally up and running? Right now, the marketing I’m doing is for that firm…meaning that I’m the main rainmaker, and my […]

What to say when asked “what do you do?”

—-Original Message—– From: produ******@gmail.com Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 9:28 AM To: How To Make It Rain Subject: benefit statement I had sent this email from another account, and I thought I’d send from the account that was registered for your coaching program. 🙂  RJon- My partner and I have crafted a benefit statement attached […]

Another lawyer bites the dust

Well it happened again. . . Right in front of my eyes this time & the lawyer didn’t even know he had been fired. I was at a meeting with some real estate investors I know.  One of them, we’ll call him "Chuck" has 20 properties he’s liquidating to get out of the residential market […]

A Shocking Reveation

I was asked to be a guest speaker for a Law Office Management class at my alma mater last week & came away with a shocking revelation. . . I began my talk with the 20 or so law students, most of them 3L’s by asking how much they hoped to be making one, two […]

How To Go Solo In A Big Firm

Here’s another perfectly valid and good reason for lawyers to consider going to work for a big law firm. . . they’re a GREAT place to hang out your own shingle. No, I’m not crazy. You read that right, big law firms are great places to hang out your own shingle. It’s all a matter […]

What to look for in malpractice insurance

Many of the lawyers I have consulted with over the years, have been surprised to learn about some of the unique "twists" when it comes to malpractice insurance: 1. The sooner you get it, the cheaper it is.  That’s right, if you’re thinking about holding off for another year to save some money, it could […]