Inspiration For Entrepreneurial Lawyers
If you’ve ever started your own law firm. If you’ve ever wondered if you can open your own law firm. If you’ve ever wanted to go and hang your own shingle as a solo lawyer. If you’ve ever FAILED in any kind of business. If you have friends, family or even clients who have opened their own businesses and fallen down and scraped their knee. If you have opened your own law firm and you are now a great success.
If you fit any of these descriptions. Or maybe even several. The following video is something you MUST see:
We recently completed our 2009 First Quarter “How To Start Your Own Law Firm In 90 Days Or Less” 12 week seminar. It was by all accounts, a great success. Only one lawyer I know did not successfully open his own practice and that was only because in doing the pre-launch law firm marketing exercises he actually impressed a mid-sized firm so much with his Rainmaking they offered him a job!
Interested candidates for the 2009 3rd Quarter program should leave a comment below or send a private email to [email protected]