Entries by site_admin

Starting A Law Firm

No matter what your primary motivation is chances are I have probably helped another lawyer who is similarly-situated so I can probably help you too. After all, I have helped probably more THOUSANDS of lawyers to start a law firm, than likely any other lawyer alive today. And I Have Some Good News For You! That’s right, I am going to give you EVERYTHING you need for starting a law firm. And I’m going to lay it all out for you here, FOR FREE!

How To Love Being A Lawyer Without Your Law Firm Eating You Alive!

Share your comment below and let me know one legitimate reason why you’re going to let another day, another week, month or even another YEAR OF YOUR LIFE pass you by when you ALREADY KNOW that the right law firm management and law firm marketing systems will actually enable you to enjoy more free time and still grow your law firm more than you might imagine possible.

Extract more PROFITS from your law firm

Last week we had an amazing teleclass entitled "How To Grow The Revenues Of Your Small Law Firm 25-35% THIS Year". And if you were on that call you heard some very exciting success stories from some of our Members who are getting exactly these kinds of results. On last week's call I promised you […]

Follow up survey

Thank you for taking a minute out of your day to share feedback about the Free Report you received entitled How To Predictably Grow Your Practice 25-35% This Year While Enjoying More Control, Better Work,Increased Profits & Actually Get Home In Time To Tuck Your Kids In At Night! After you complete this survey a […]

Law Firm Marketing 101: How do SOME lawyers manage to earn premium fees even in your same market?

Have you ever asked yourself why some lawyers in your very same market can earn premium fees while you sometimes struggle to get clients to pay your more modest fees? If those other lawyers aren’t as experienced or even as qualified as you are, it can really sting to see their law firm marketing efforts pay off big time for them by attracting clients to them like a more expensive magnet. Especially if you’re equally as qualified but still you’re unable to produce similar results in your law practice. This short video demonstrates the power of being creative and understanding that when it comes to marketing a law firm, it’s not (only) all about results. Get more great real-world law firm marketing & law practice management insights, advice, tools, techniques and action steps you can take to improve your own small law firm at www.HowToMANAGEaSmallLawFirm.com

If you think you have a unique small law firm management / law practice marketing question, challenge, opportunity or situation NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to register for TODAY’s call. And hear your question read and answered LIVE!!!

So if you think you have a unique small law firm management/marketing question, challenge, opportunity or situation NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to register for the call. And hear your question read and answered LIVE on today’s call.