Entries by site_admin

Most Lawyers Are Dinosaurs – Are you one of them?

In a recent post over at My Shingle (one of my favorite blogs) Carolyn Elefant  writes about a franchise called Dinner My Way where you pay to cook your own meals to take home and freeze for meals throughout the next few weeks.  As she explains, "Dinner My Way pre-cuts all of the ingredients, provides […]

Is It Time To Send In A Secret Shopper?

You know, everyone goes around talking about the importance of customer/client service.  There are whole books, in fact entire industries built around the notion taht consumers today have choices and if you don’t make things easy for them, your competition will.  Less charitable books and experts speak of the consumer’s lack of "loyalty".  Anyway, I […]

Why EVERY Lawyer Should Learn How To Make It Rain!!!

Even though HowToMakeItRain.com is geared specifically for solos & lawyers in firms with five or fewer attorneys, an associate who claims to be on the partnership track at a mid-size regional firm recently sent me an e-mail asking why I feel so strongly that every lawyer should learn how to make it rain. Below is […]

If you were Dean of your Alma Mater, what would YOU put on the curriculm?

Matt Homman over at The [non] Billable Hour turned me onto this article about Yale’s business school experimenting with a new MBA curriculum: The heart of the new first-year curriculum is a series of eight multidisciplinary courses, called Organizational Perspectives, that are structured around the organizational roles a manager must engage, motivate, and lead in […]

Don’t be so fast to fire a “bad” employee

I know it sounds counter-intuitive NOT to fire a bad secretary, or any other bad employee for that matter.  But if you ever hope to get control of your law firm – so you can finally have a life – you have to approach the problem in a deliberate and analytic way.  You change one […]

My Lawyer “Wrote The Book” On This!

A lawyer recently what I thought about her idea of sending her elder law clients and their adult-children, home with a book about caring for one’s elderly parents.  She said she pays around $11 per book and find that the children (who are often very influential in the decision-making-process) often refer to the book when […]