Entries by site_admin

Space-For-Rent: A prescription for success

I’ve helped many lawyers go the space-for-services route. After witnessing a fair number of disasters but plenty of successes too, here’s my prescription for a happy space-for-services relationship:   The most successful arrangements are based on an agreed hourly rate and an agreed monthly rent. The tenant does work and tracks the bill. The firm expects to be […]

Profiting From Hurricane Preparedness

After Hurricane Andrew which ravaged South Florida law offices 10+ years ago, you’d think anyone who was in practice back then would have learned thier lesson.  Of course you’d think that after seeing the tragic events of 9/11 the same message would have sunk-in.  But one of the little secrets that few in the legal […]

Where will YOU be in just 25 short years?

Every once in awhile I like to pick a few names from the list of new subscribers to the free e-zine and send an e-mail asking how they found their way to us, what topics interest them, etc.  Yesterday I recieved a reply to that e-mail from a woman I knew when we were like […]

Regular readers of this blog and the newsletter (free sign-up on the main site) know my philosophy about law firm marketing; That selling legal services is really just about helping people to identify and find solutuions to their problems and maximize their opportunities.  And you know what I think about our ethical obligations to do […]

“Making” Clients pay your bill. . .

On a recent blog discussion over at My Shingle one of the other participants wrote the following in respone to a comment by me: "You are not disagreeing that the legal services purchaser can be made to pay $150/hour even to a solo. . . "–and yes, the solo will be doing well to "profit" […]

Could you be more successful if you weren’t afraid?

COULD YOU BE MORE SUCCESSFUL IF YOU WEREN’T AFRAID? If you weren’t afraid of looking stupid, would you take some risks and try to market your practice differently than all of your competitors?  Imagine a marketing plan with your current budget but no fear. What would it include?  Outrageous ads?  Entertaining seminars for prospective clients?  […]

Swimming in new business

Two days ago Allison Shields posted a great piece on using your hobbies to help market your law firm.  She shares a story about a lawyer who swam across the Long Island Sound to raise money & make it rain for his firm. A number of attorneys I know have thought of marketing in similar […]

Be an ADEQUATE lawyer

As you may or may not be aware, a committee appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court decided that calling yourself a “Super” lawyer violates the professional code of conduct.  After learning about this decision , fellow Blogger Nathan Burke created a page for "adequate" lawyers in hopes that such a moniker would meet with […]