Entries by site_admin

Rock & Roll Advice About Learning About Starting A Law Firm The Hardest Way

As I prepare to launch the first How To Start A Successful Law Firm In 90 Days Or Less coaching program of 2011 (we launch quarterly) I’m sitting here jamming out to “The Faces”. And it occurrs to me that it should be MANDATORY for anyone thinking of starting a law firm to read these lyrics aloud three times to all of his or her friends & family:
(Click HERE to listen)

Update on new (former) assistant

Sucks to report this.  After I invested the better part of 2 weeks to train her my new former assistant sent me her "resignation" by email yesterday giving me exactly ZERO days notice.  I know there will be some who take the wrong lesson from this.  The "right" lesson is that I sure am glad […]

Think and Grow Rich: Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

Note:  On our next Gold Coaching Call we'll be discussing the hidden messages every solo lawyer can benefit from which are "hidden" within plain sight in the pages below: ——————————————————————————————- CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION THE MAN WHO "THOUGHT" HIS WAY INTO PARTNERSHIP WITH THOMAS A. EDISON     TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at […]

Update on new assistant

OK for those keeping score, Fri will be new assistant's first 2 wk paycheck & I'm happy to say she's ALMOST paid for herself already!  By next week should be break-even and the one after that a positive ROI.  Mind you, these calculations do not take into account the value of the time & energy […]

Theif misses the jewels

So my car was broken into yesterday.  Someone broke my rear passenger side window & stole my GPS which I had (foolishly) left in plain sight mounted to my front windshield.  It took me a few minutes to realize the GPS was missing becuase the first thing I looked for was a couple of audio […]

Financial Control 4 Lawyers

Unfortunately too-few law schools and too-few CLE programs seek to equip us as law students and later as practicing lawyers, with the business management skills needed to manage the finances of our own law firms. Certainly not to attend to this critical law firm management task objectively.
So instead of feeling the same sense of self-confidence and control we enjoy when dealing with our clients’ legal matters, when it comes to the financial management of our own law firms, too-many otherwise smart & sophisticated lawyers end-up making important law practice management decisions based on incomplete information and fear.