Entries by site_admin

A lawyer’s guide to getting “un-stuck”

As lawyers we’re all pretty smart. But as a group we tend to have a hard time making decisons. Of course a big part of running any kind of a successful business (a law firm is a business) mastering the ability to make decisions. The problem is, our education ham-strings us when it comes to making decisions.

Dangerous daydreams

Dangerous Daydreams For Lawyers
Do you daydream about the sort of law practice you want to have “someday”?
Or howabout the kind of life/lifestyle you want to enjoy “someday”?
For the time being let’s set-aside the fact that the lifestyle is driven by the law firm and please allow me to warn you about a dangerous mode of thinking I hear too many lawyers talking about, far too often.

How to Start a Law Firm (part 2)

Warnings: If you’re reading this and you’re a lawyer I’m going to assume you’re a pretty smart person and you want to be successful. So I’m going to skip the usual and obvious warnings here. Instead, the biggest danger to look out for is advice from other lawyers.

How to Start a Law Firm

How to Start a Law Firm
Starting a law firm can be one of the best decisions a lawyer can make.
Not only can you make more money as the owner of your own law firm but you can also enjoy the freedom to pursue the types of cases and clients you get energy from vs. working for a firm where your cases and clients may be dictated to you even if they’re energy vampires.
Good News: Did you know that according to ABA statistics nearly 60% of lawyers in the US are actually solo practitioners? And that’s not a recent statistic. The fact of the matter is that the face of the most successful lawyers in the US has always been a solo practitioner.

Telephone etiquette

Especially when you're speaking by cell phone, please use these call signs to spell out your words when leaving messages and confirming information from clients: A ………. ALPHA N ………. NOVEMBER B ………. BRAVO O ………. OSCAR C ………. CHARLIE P ………. PAPA D ………. DELTA Q ………. QUEBEC E ………. ECHO R ………. ROMEO […]