Entries by site_admin

Not as obvious as you think: Ohio Lawyer Suspended for Billing More than 24 Hours in a Day

Lawyers who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Think about how many hours you’ve invested learning how to be the best lawyer you can be, and compare that number to the hours you’ve invested learning how to be the best manager/operator of your law firm’s business that you can be. The difference between those two numbers is how much room for improvement there is likely in your own practice

Quick social media marketing tip to grow your law firm faster

Here’s a quick video with a law firm marketing tip for you to help grow your law firm right away. Seriously, as soon as you implement this law practice marketing lesson you’ll begin to see almost immediate results. Don’t make the mistake alot of lawyers make and discount the power of this marketing tip for your law firm marketing, just because it seems so simple. Would you prefer I make it sound more complicated?

Sample Client Ledger & Overall Firm Journal For IOLTA Client Property Trust Account Management

any lawyer who has ever started his or her own law firm and who DIDN’T feel like a schmuck about being charged with the responsibility for accounting for our clients property, setting up an IOLTA account, etc., either:
a. Is too embarrassed to admit it; or
b. Really IS a schmuck because learning how to manage your IOLTA isn’t something they teach us in law school and it’s not the sort of thing you just pick-up from experience. You either learn how to do it, or you can be pretty sure you’re flying blind. And only a fool (that’s what Schmuck means in Yiddish) takes responsibility for something he or she doesn’t know anything about; or
c. Has had some sort of financial training before going to law school. Like maybe they have an MBA, or a finance degree or studied book keeping or accounting.
Don’t let “pride” stand in YOUR way.