My "No Assholes" Policy Is There To Protect You AND Me...
NOTE FROM RJON: I originally shared this lesson only on our private discussion forum.
Then some of our Members encouraged me to share it with a wider audience - our Members are a very generous group!
And then some of the things I received in emails and in responses told me I'd really struck an important and positive chord. With several "You MUST Share This With The World!" type of admonitions.
So here it is. Remember, there's SO MUCH business out there that we can and should all be happy lawyers who make more money!
I hope the below lesson gives you some important things to think about over the weekend. Maybe even the courage to take action on something today!
~ RR
Scared shitless
It's true my friends! Many lawyers are scared shitless...of success!
Why else would some otherwise very intelligent people make such illogical decisions about their lives, careers and their businesses?
Notes from my wallet
Ok so you know how every few months you have to clean out your wallet and you find all sorts of things you've been carrying around with you for no currently-relevant reason? Old business cards belonging to people you meant to follow-up with but have now forgotten why. Old receipts for things long-since disposed of. I even found an expired credit card on my most recent jaunt though mine!
But every once in awhile you find a gem. In my case, this week I found a note I wrote on the back of a restaurant receipt. It captures one of those "moments of brilliance" that seem to happen at the least expected times. Hence, why it gets jotted down on some scrap of paper and warehoused in your wallet waiting to be rediscovered. Here's exactly what I wrote (unedited):
A lawyer's guide to getting "un-stuck"
As lawyers we're all pretty smart. But as a group we tend to have a hard time making decisons. Of course a big part of running any kind of a successful business (a law firm is a business) mastering the ability to make decisions. The problem is, our education ham-strings us when it comes to making decisions.
Is your staff screwing up your business?
I met two amazingly helfpful sales people today. But one almost blew the sale for his employer, while the other succesfully converted a customer into a client for life! Here's how...
The art of starting, marketing & managing a successful law firm
I want to encourage you to think about what your law firm really stands for? What do YOU really stand for? Are the two in synch?
Napoleon Hill Tells Us Of The Power Of The Master-Mind Principle
It's not a coincidence that throughout history from biblical times and today, the most successful human beings on the planet have all drawn power from the "master-mind".
Dangerous daydreams
Dangerous Daydreams For Lawyers
Do you daydream about the sort of law practice you want to have "someday"?
Or howabout the kind of life/lifestyle you want to enjoy "someday"?
For the time being let's set-aside the fact that the lifestyle is driven by the law firm and please allow me to warn you about a dangerous mode of thinking I hear too many lawyers talking about, far too often.
How To Get A FREE Ticket To This Mastermind In Miami
There's been A LOT of excitement about an announcement I made last week to a very small group of lawyers who I know.
But word has gotten-out so here it is for everyone to share:
Microsoft and Lexis-Nexis are going to PAY ME, so that YOU can attend a live mastermind weekend with me for FREE!!!
How to Start a Law Firm (part 2)
Warnings: If you're reading this and you're a lawyer I'm going to assume you're a pretty smart person and you want to be successful. So I'm going to skip the usual and obvious warnings here. Instead, the biggest danger to look out for is advice from other lawyers.