Entries by site_admin

Where The Web Is Headed . . .

My technical partner just shared this video about where the web is headed.  I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about the ramifications it will have on your law practice and your life and just share this data point for you to consider. . . I was a guest speaker at a local law school […]

From David Maister’s blog

The questions in bold are from a recent post in David Maister’s blog.  My responses to him are the ones not in bold: One of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite authors is by Ayn Rand: "We Can Avoid Reality, But We Cannot Avoid The Consequences Of Avoiding Reality".   And now that the […]

Are client calls more important than client visits?

So, I was standing in a store recently trying to buy something.  The clerk was right in the middle of helping me when suddenly, without warning or an explanation, he decided to help another customer instead.  That’s right, he just left me standing there with money in-hand and gave his attention to  someone else. The […]

Expand Your Mind – Expand Your Practice

Regular readers of this blog know that I like to keep it pretty straight.  You don’t know who my favorite band is, my hobbies, or what I like to eat because none of that is relevant to helping you go out there and make more money.  Instead, I recognize that you have your own life […]

Apple got great advice from counsel. . . really!

Everyone’s seen the new iphone, right?  It’s all over the news with a zillion features and a very nice design that builds on Apple’s runaway smash-hit, the ipod. Well, what you may not have seen is the fact that Apple is being sued by Cisco over the use of the name iphone.  The Wall Street […]

Politically Incorrect

Peter Olson over at Solo In Chicago reminds us not to overlook niche & minority marketing opportunities.  Here’s my comment in support/response: It’s a common misconception that a lawyer has to be a member of a minority group to market effectively to it.  In fact, very often being percieved as an "outsider" offers a competitive […]

Credit Cards & Hip Hop Videos

Ed Poll over at LawBizblog.com has an excellent analysis of the recent proposed rules in California about lawyers accepting credit cards. Perhaps I am just being impatient but the real “guts” of the issue, in my opinion is addressed in his  8th comment: The Committee appropriately highlights the change in thinking since 1970 where the […]

Why NOT To Be Boring

Too many lawyers refuse to take a position on their websites and in other marketing materials too.  They think they are avoiding offending anyone, but in fact they end up just being boring.  Put another way, if you’re not speaking powerfully to someone, you’re likely boring everyone. Should law firm marketing be done strictly for […]